Some parts of a moderator need to be both flexible and strong, whereas other parts need to be more rigid, smooth and durable when threaded onto a muzzle, etc. Other parts need to be capable of taking immense pressure and heat without cracking or burning out.
All grades need to withstand constant extremes of temprature, repeated pounding and chemical attack from the burning of modern powders.
By choosing these different grades for each part of the moderator, we have optimised its lifespan to make it as durable and as well made as any high quality rifle scope, and it is likely that your Lawrence Precision moderator will outlast several rifles.
Titanium is 40% lighter, stronger and much tougher than steel or stainless steel , whilst being nearer to aluminium in weight and density, without the weakness or gas cutting of Aluminium.
Each moderator we manufacture, is made using high quality threads on all threaded components, which are cut to close tolerances.
Time and time again we have feedback complimenting the quality, finish, performance and lack of weight with our products.
Simon, Just done some weighing and measuring and the Ti can comes out at 8oz lighter than my all-stainless Ase Utra North Star and it only extends the barrel 0.25" more. Ti can fitted 26.5" NS can fitted 26.25" Handling even with a medium-sized scope and a Harris BRS bipod on is transformed and less the pod is amazing by comparison. Have a good one
Popular Shooting Magazine Editor